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Dental fillings Amsterdam

When you have a cavity, it needs to be filled. If you wait too long to have the cavity filled, your tooth will start to hurt more and more. Make an appointment at Studentist in Amsterdam and benefit from the following benefits:

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How does the dentist fill a cavity?

Filling a hole is done in 3 steps: finding, drilling and filling. We explain the steps for you.

Step 1: observation

Did you know that a dentist can recognize a cavity at an early stage? A cavity only hurts when it is in an advanced stage. By going to theperiodic check-ups you will avoid more painful treatments. When the dentist discovers a cavity, he will advise you about the options for filling the cavity. There is an option with anesthesia, but you can also choose to have the treatment done without anesthesia.

Step 2: drilling

If you have opted for anesthesia, you will receive a local anesthetic in the area to be treated. The dentist first drills away the tooth decay so that the hole becomes clearly visible and acid and bacteria can no longer spread.

Step 3: filling the hole

The hole is then filled with a composite filling. This is a white filling. The filling itself does not hurt and once the anesthesia has worn off, you will not feel any after-pain. You can immediately eat and drink again after the treatment.

Cost of cavity filling

The rates for filling a cavity are the same at all dentists in the Netherlands. They are laid down nationally by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa). View our rates page for costs. By not skipping periodic check-ups, you prevent serious dental problems, which means you are less likely to need expensive treatments.

Dentist reimbursement

Everyone up to the age of 18 is fully insured for the dentist under the basic insurance. If you are over 18 years old, you need additional insurance to have treatment costs reimbursed. Depending on your policy and health insurer, filling a cavity will be fully or partially reimbursed. Ask your health insurer how you are insured and which dental costs are reimbursed.

Frequently asked questions

We often receive questions about the development of cavities and their treatment. We have answered the most frequently asked questions for you below.

How do holes form?

When you eat and drink, all kinds of substances enter your saliva. The combination of food and the bacteria in your mouth causes plaque buildup. The bacteria in dental plaque convert sugars and carbohydrates in food into acid. This acid can damage the enamel, causing cavities. It is therefore important to brush your teeth twice a day and not to skip dental appointments.

What can you do yourself to prevent cavities?

Continuing to brush your teeth properly helps prevent cavities. Use a good toothbrush, preferably electric, with a small brush head and soft bristles. Use fluoride toothpaste when brushing. You can also use toothpicks or dental floss.

Does filling a cavity hurt?

The severity of the hole determines whether the treatment will be painful. In addition, everyone has a different pain threshold. If you opt for a local anesthetic, you will not feel anything during the drilling process.

Tandarts Mevr. A.C. Koevoets, Msc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. L. Jacobs-Verburgt, MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. M.F. Wilschut, MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. T. Hakim, MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. K.L. ten Böhmer, MSc
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. V. Masthoff, MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Geregistreerd Mondhygiënist Dhr. B.M. Rutten, BSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Office-manager/Preventie-assistente Mevr. L. Schoen-Piket
Amsterdam Centrum

Geregistreerd Mondhygiënist Dhr. A. Naveed, BaH.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandartsassistente Mevr. D. Nguyen
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandartsassistente Mevr. P.C. Vet
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandartsassistente Mevr. E. Arrias
Amsterdam Centrum

Studente tandheelkunde Mevr. J. Kindt
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Dhr. B. Hazenoot MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Student tandheelkunde Dhr. A.R. Lotfy
Amsterdam Centrum

Our team in Amsterdam

A small selection from the specialized team of Studentist in Amsterdam.

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Accessibility of Student in Amsterdam

Our practice is located in the center of Amsterdam at Nieuwe Doelenstraat 1A. We are easy to reach by both bicycle and public transport. You can use the following tram lines:

  • Tram 14 (direction Flevopark) – Rokin stop
  • Tram 24 (direction VU medical center) – Muntplein stop
  • Tram 4 (towards RAI Station) – Stop Spui (Rokin)
  • Metro 51 (direction Westwijk) – Metro station Nieuwmarkt
  • Metro 52 (direction Station Zuid) – Rokin Metro Station

Timetables in Amsterdam change every now and then. Therefore, always consult to ensure that you arrive at your appointment on time.

Contact details

Studentist Amsterdam
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 1A
1012 CP Amsterdam

Phone: 020 751 0839
Emergency: (outside opening hours): 020 723 48 48

Opening hours


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 – 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00





Dentist in Amsterdam and Utrecht

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