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Dental hygienist Amsterdam

Good oral hygiene is important for the health of your teeth. It is therefore important to visit the dental hygienist at least once a year. To make an appointment with the dental hygienist in Amsterdam you do not need a referral from the dentist. We recommend that you come by if you suffer from:

  • Sensitive teeth
  • Inflamed gums
  • Bad breath
  • Discolored teeth
  • Tartar

The dental hygienist cleans your teeth and gums and thus prevents major problems with your teeth. The dental hygienist also gives tips about flossing and flossing, but also about brushing your teeth and using mouthwash.

Register directly or make an appointment online

Sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth are very annoying. You notice this, for example, when you take a sip of your tea or try to take a bite out of an ice cream. With sensitive teeth, the dentine in your teeth becomes exposed. This makes hot, cold, sour and sweet stimuli feel extremely unpleasant. By visiting the dental hygienist regularly, you can prevent sensitive teeth and receive advice on good oral hygiene.


Tartar is caused by the daily production of a layer of tartar in your mouth in places that are difficult to reach with your toothbrush. If you do not remove plaque properly, tartar will form. Tartar can ultimately cause bad breath and inflamed gums. It is not possible to remove tartar yourself. For this you have to visit the dental hygienist.

Inflamed gums

“Healthy gums do not bleed.” You have probably heard this statement from the dental hygienist. Inflamed gums are redder in color and bleed easily when brushing or flossing your teeth. By brushing and flossing properly you can prevent inflamed gums. Studentist’s dental hygienist can give you advice on how best to do this.

Bad breath

bad breath is not only annoying for you, but also for the people around you. Bacteria settle in the back of your mouth on your tongue and between your teeth. These bacteria turn food waste into unpleasant gases. Smoking and alcohol also contribute to bad breath. Brush your teeth twice a day and gently scrape your tongue with a toothbrush to prevent bad breath.

Discolored teeth

Not everyone has the same color teeth. This is due to predisposition or your own oral hygiene. A tooth can have an internal discoloration or an external discoloration. If you are a smoker or consume foods and drinks that contain a lot of dyes, your teeth will discolour on the outside. Discoloration of the inside of a tooth can be caused by a hard impact, which causes the nerve in the tooth to die. A dental hygienist can clean the teeth so that the original tooth color becomes visible again.

Dental hygienist Amsterdam costs

The rates for treatment by the dental hygienist are determined annually by the Dutch Healthcare Authority. You can find all rates on our rates page. Children up to the age of 18 are reimbursed for dental costs from the basic package.

Reimbursement for dental hygienist

If you are over 18 years old, you need a supplementary package to reimburse dental costs. This may differ per health insurance policy and policy. Please inquire about this with your health insurer.

Where is Studentist Amsterdam

Our practice is located in the heart of Amsterdam at Nieuwe Doelenstraat 1A. Visiting us is very easy, both by bicycle and by public transport. From Amsterdam Central Station you can reach our dental practice within 10 minutes. You can use the following tram lines:

  • Tram 14 (direction Flevopark) – Rokin stop
  • Tram 24 (direction VU medical center) – Muntplein stop
  • Tram 4 (towards RAI Station) – Stop Spui (Rokin)
  • Metro 51 (direction Westwijk) – Metro station Nieuwmarkt
  • Metro 52 (direction Station Zuid) – Rokin Metro Station

Timetables in Amsterdam change every now and then. Therefore, always consult

Tandarts Mevr. A.C. Koevoets, Msc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. L. Jacobs-Verburgt, MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. M.F. Wilschut, MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. T. Hakim, MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. K.L. ten Böhmer, MSc
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Mevr. V. Masthoff, MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Geregistreerd Mondhygiënist Dhr. B.M. Rutten, BSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Office-manager/Preventie-assistente Mevr. L. Schoen-Piket
Amsterdam Centrum

Geregistreerd Mondhygiënist Dhr. A. Naveed, BaH.
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandartsassistente Mevr. D. Nguyen
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandartsassistente Mevr. P.C. Vet
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandartsassistente Mevr. E. Arrias
Amsterdam Centrum

Studente tandheelkunde Mevr. J. Kindt
Amsterdam Centrum

Tandarts Dhr. B. Hazenoot MSc.
Amsterdam Centrum

Student tandheelkunde Dhr. A.R. Lotfy
Amsterdam Centrum

Our dental hygienists

A small selection from the specialized team of Studentist in Amsterdam Center. Easily make an appointment online with our specialized dental hygienists.

Get to know the whole team

Frequently asked questions for the dental hygienist in Amsterdam

How often should I visit the dental hygienist?

We recommend visiting the dental hygienist and dentist twice a year.

Do I need a referral from the dentist?

No, you do not need a referral from the dentist to see a dental hygienist. However, you must be under the care of our dentists to use the dental hygienists.

Which toothbrush is best to use?

There are two types of toothbrushes you can use: the manual toothbrush and the electric toothbrush. We recommend using an electric toothbrush while brushing, because it makes the correct brushing motion itself. You just have to hold the brush against your teeth at the right angle and with the right pressure. You also remove more plaque with an electric toothbrush.

Which foods are bad for my teeth?

It may go without saying, but foods with added sugars are bad for your teeth. Therefore, eat and drink as little soft drinks, sweets and cookies as possible.

What is sealing?

The dentist or dental hygienist can determine whether to close the deep grooves in the chewing surfaces of your molars. Holes can easily form in these deep groups. We call this sealing.

What do healthy gums look like?

Healthy gums are pink in color and fit tightly around the teeth.

Does polishing teeth hurt?

After the treatment, the dental hygienist will polish your teeth. This is done with a rapidly rotating brush and polishing paste. Polishing doesn’t hurt, but it can tickle a bit.

Does tartar removal hurt?

The dental hygienist will remove tartar from your teeth using a hook. This can be sensitive if your gums are inflamed.

Dentist in Amsterdam and Utrecht

Studentist app

Download the Studentist app now! You can easily schedule a new check-up appointment via the Studentist Amsterdam app.

You can find the app in the Google Play store.

Contact details Studentist Amsterdam Center

Studentist Amsterdam
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 1A
1012 CP Amsterdam

Phone: 020 751 0839
Emergency: (outside opening hours): 020 723 48 48

Opening hours


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 – 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00





Directions Studentist Amsterdam

Make an appointment with the dental hygienist in Amsterdam

You can make an appointment by calling020 751 0839 or via the button below. Are you not yet registered with Studentist? By making a first appointment, you automatically register. Take your student card with you to the dental practice to complete your registration.

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