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Directions Studentist Groningen

You can find Studentist Groningen at Lopendediep 7, in the center of Groningen. The availability of parking spaces for cars is limited, so we recommend coming by public transport, on foot, or by bicycle if possible.

Public transport options

The practice is easily accessible by public transport. The nearest bus stops are Grote Markt and Verlengde Visserstraat.

From the Grote Markt stop, walk down Zwanenstraat. Then turn right onto Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat. At the end of the street, turn left onto Visserstraat. After about 250 meters, you will arrive at Studentist Groningen.

From the Verlengde Visserstraat stop, walk straight towards Visserstraat. Then turn left onto Westersingel. Continue towards Plantsoenbrug, then turn right onto Noorderhaven. You will find the practice at number 7.

The following buses stop at the Verlengde Visserstraat bus stop:

Line Direction Details
Bus 7 Direction Station Noord via Vinkhuizen  
Bus 9 Direction Eelde – Airport via Hoofdstation Qbuzz Bus
Bus 9 Direction P+R Reitdiep via Paddepoel Qbuzz Bus
Bus 7 Direction De Wijert via Hoofdstation Qbuzz Bus

The following buses stop at the Grote Markt bus stop:

Line Direction Details
Qlink 5 Direction ZuidLaren – Annen via HS – P+R Harten Qbuzz Qlink
Qlink 1 Direction Zuidhorn via Station Noord Qbuzz Qlink
Qlink 4 Direction Roden via HS – P+R Hoogkerk Qbuzz Qlink
Bus 10 Direction Station Noord via Korrewegkijk Qbuzz Bus
Bus 10 Direction Hoornsemeer via Hoofdstation Qbuzz Bus
Qlink 3 Direction Lewenborg via P+R Kardinge Qbuzz Qlink
Qlink 3 Direction Leek Oostindie via HS – P+R Hoogkerk Qbuzz Qlink

Please note: The schedule may vary. Always check before you leave.

Route to Studentist Groningen by Foot or Bicycle

Below you can see the fastest route from Groningen Station when you come to the practice by bicycle or on foot.

Parking in Groningen City Center

Finding a parking spot in the city center of Groningen is not easy. Since Visserstraat is a narrow one-way street, there is no space to park your car in front of the practice. However, there are several parking garages nearby and some side streets where parking is allowed. As the spots in the side streets are limited, we recommend coming by bicycle or public transport. If you still prefer to come by car, here is an overview of the parking options:

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