Dentist in the heart of the city
Make your appointments online
Helped within a day
The lowest rates

Contact Studentist Utrecht

A professional dentist in your student city who doesn’t charge exorbitant prices? At Studentist in the heart of Utrecht, you will be treated by a skilled team in our modern practice at a reasonable price. Contact Studentist Utrecht via 030 751 0106 or email

Register directly or make an appointment

Contact details

Studentist Utrecht
Keistraat 4
3512 HV Utrecht

Phone: 030 751 0106
Emergency: (outside opening hours): 020 303 4500

Opening hours


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00






Studentist is located in the center of Utrecht at Keistraat 4. We are very easy to reach by bicycle or public transport. From Utrecht Central Station, you can be at our practice within 10 minutes! You can find detailed directions here

Emergency cases

It is possible that you may have an emergency. Our emergency service can be reached on Fridays after 5:00 PM and during the weekend at 020 303 4500. Always call this number first in case of an emergency. Please be aware that in an emergency, you must pay in cash, regardless of your insurance coverage.

Report a complaint

If you are not satisfied with the treatment or the way you were informed, please contact Studentist by phone or use our complaints procedure. We strive for the best customer experience and would love to hear how we can improve.

Register or schedule an appointment

Are you living in Utrecht and looking for a new dentist? Then Studentist dental practice is the perfect choice for you!

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